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Interview with EMMIR Primary Coordinator by the University of Oldenburg: 'Begegnungen auf Augenhöhe'

A news feature about the EMMIR programme was recently published on the University of Oldenburg's website, titled, Begegnungen auf Augenhöhe or Encounters at eye level. In the article, EMMIR's Primary Coordinator, Dr. Lydia Potts, was interviewed about the programme and her experience directing it over the years.

The article summarizes the history of the EMMIR programme, diversity of the student body, and impact that graduates have worldwide: 248 graduates from 60 countries, with the most recent cohort of 27 students representing 21 nations. These graduates have gone on to make an impact globally, with one-third now working in NGOs such as Amnesty International and World Vision, and nearly 30% pursuing academic careers, including doctoral studies. Impressively, 17% of alumni are employed in international organizations such as the EU and the UN, with several working at the International Organization for Migration in countries like Kenya and Turkey.

DE: Lydia Potts koordiniert EMMIR seit den ersten Planungen für den ERASMUS-MUNDUS-Studiengang. In den vergangenen Jahren hat sie fast 300 Studierende erlebt, die ihren Abschluss gemacht haben und heute in aller Welt tätig sind. // EN: Lydia Potts has been coordinating EMMIR since the initial planning for the ERASMUS MUNDUS course. In recent years she has seen almost 300 students graduate and now work all over the world. Photo credit: University of Oldenburg / Marcus Windus

Dr. Potts emphasized the unique spirit that defines EMMIR—a sense of community that develops from the diversity of its participants. The program brings together students and teachers from different cultures, nationalities, and academic backgrounds, fostering a rich environment for learning and exchange. This "EMMIR spirit," as Dr. Potts described it, is built on mutual respect and collaboration, giving students a multifaceted perspective on migration.

„Es gibt tatsächlich so etwas wie einen ‚EMMIR-Spirit‘, der aus der Diversität der Studierenden und Lehrenden erwächst. Es ist immer eine besondere Gemeinschaft, die da in sehr kurzer Zeit entsteht.“ 'There is indeed something like an ‘EMMIR spirit’ that grows from the diversity of students and teachers. It is always a special community that forms in a very short period of time.' — Dr. Lydia Potts, EMMIR Primary Coordinator

Despite initial challenges in securing funding, Dr. Potts explained that the programme has successfully secured EU support until 2027, ensuring scholarships for students from the Global South, whose participation is key to maintaining the diversity that is so crucial to EMMIR’s mission. The programme also continues to adapt to global challenges, including conflicts in students' home countries, such as Sudan and Syria, which have added personal and urgent dimensions to their studies.

"EU-finanzierte Studiengänge haben eigentlich immer das Ziel, von der Unterstützung aus Brüssel unabhängig zu werden, und das haben auch wir versucht. Bei EMMIR gibt es aber einen entscheidenden Unterschied: Wir brauchen die finanzielle Unterstützung insbesondere dafür, Studierende ohne finanzielle Möglichkeiten mit Stipendien zu versorgen und ihnen so eine Teilnahme zu ermöglichen. Das betrifft insbesondere diejenigen aus dem globalen Süden. Ohne ihre Beteiligung würde die für EMMIR so wichtige Diversität fehlen. Wir sind deshalb froh, dass wir die EU letztlich mit dem, was wir zu bieten haben, überzeugen konnten. Sie fördert aktuell vier Editionen bis 2027." 'EU-funded courses always aim to become independent of support from Brussels, and we have tried to do that too. But there is a crucial difference at EMMIR: We need the financial support in particular to provide scholarships to students without financial means and thus enable them to participate. This particularly affects those from the global south. Without their participation, the diversity that is so important for EMMIR would be missing. We are therefore happy that we were ultimately able to convince the EU with what we have to offer. It is currently funding four editions until 2027.' — Dr. Lydia Potts

Graduates of the program are now making an impact worldwide, with a third working in non-governmental organizations such as Amnesty International and World Vision, and many others pursuing careers in academia, international organizations, and the private sector. Dr. Potts expressed her pride in seeing EMMIR alumni working not only in Europe but also returning to their home countries to apply the knowledge gained in their studies.

„EMMIR vermittelt den Teilnehmenden die Grundlagen für eine Migrationsforschung, die auch für diese Perspektiven offen ist – und das ist möglich, weil sich im Programm von Anfang an der globale Norden und der globale Süden mit ihren ganz unterschiedlichen Perspektiven auf Augenhöhe begegnen.“ 'EMMIR provides participants with the foundations for migration research that is open to these perspectives – and that is possible because the program brings together the Global North and South, encountering each other at equal eye level from the very beginning.' — Dr. Lydia Potts

At its core, EMMIR fosters a unique global perspective, bridging the Global North and South and encouraging productive dialogue about migration. For Dr. Potts, this collaborative approach to migration research continues to motivate her work, and the impact of EMMIR’s graduates worldwide serves as a testament to the success of the programme.


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