As EMMIR Edition 10 concludes their academic journey, we are proud to showcase a round-up of their thesis abstracts. These diverse and insightful research projects reflect the program's interdisciplinary nature, addressing critical issues in migration and intercultural relations. In keeping with EMMIR's global focus, many of these abstracts are available in multiple languages—including Arabic, French, Turkish, Dutch, and Igbo—highlighting the linguistic diversity within our student community.
We invite you to explore the work of Edition 10 and celebrate their academic achievements as they prepare to embark on the next chapter of their careers.
Congratulations once again to EMMIR's 10th Edition on their successful graduation this year!

Border and Bordering: Hazara Migrants’ Experiences of Crossing Spin Boldak and Torkham Border Passes
Ali Dad Mohammadi
This MA dissertation investigates the evolving concept of borders, shifting the focus from traditional nation-state boundaries to their performative roles as dynamic, socially constructed processes. Traditionally viewed as static geopolitical demarcations, borders are now understood as historically contingent processes that significantly impact the lived experiences of migrants. The research examines the narratives of Hazara migrants related to the Spin Boldak and Torkham border passes, highlighting the multi-layered dimensions and functions of these border passes and the complexities of the migrants’ journeys.
Through a multiperspectival analysis, the dissertation explores the performativity of borders as constitutive controls, emphasizing what borders do rather than what they are—transforming from border to bordering and/or border as a process. The study is structured around three stages of the Hazara migrants’ journeys: pre-border crossing, border crossing, and post-border crossing experiences. It seeks to understand how Hazara identity, intertwined with the Shia sect of Islam, intensifies border crossing experiences at Spin Boldak and Torkham border passes. Moreover, it explores the everyday bordering they encounter before negotiating these borders in Afghanistan, their country of origin, and after crossing into Pakistan, their country of transit and/or destination.
The experiences of Hazara migrants reveal how these borders function as racialized, gendered, and stratified constructs, affecting migrants differently based on their ethnicity, religion, culture, gender, as well as economic class. Special attention is given to the unique challenges faced by Hazara female migrants, whose intersectional identities further complicate their navigation of border and bordering processes. By engaging with life storytelling and personal narratives, this dissertation provides an in-depth analysis of the performative nature of borders and offers nuanced insights into the specific hardships faced by Hazara migrants in their quest for safe passage and asylum.
Keywords: border, bordering, Hazara migrants, Spin Boldak border, Torkham border,
intersectional identities
Coloniality and Border Regimes: The Case of Tunisian Returnees
Amanda Dionis
The mobility of young Tunisians towards the European Union (EU) has been covered by several scholars, but the reverse movement, the return to Tunisia, has been studied mainly in its impact on local development and from a theoretical point of view. In my thesis, I investigate how the current European border regime influences return mobility decisions and the reflections of participants on what this regime stands for and represents.
The chosen theoretical framework, the autonomy of migration (AoM) approach, highlights the close relationship between human movements and borders. Consequently, the analysis of the personal lived experiences of participants is complementary to the study of what European migration policies and agreements with Tunisia stand for. These latter elements are read through lenses of coloniality and decoloniality.
Significant attention is given to the decision-making process that led participants to leave Tunisia, as well as to the imaginaries of migration associated with mobility to Europe. Methodologically, I conducted narrative, semi-structured individual interviews with the six participants of this research and a focus group with two of them.
Keywords: Tunisia, return migration, coloniality, European border regime
Italian Abstract
La mobilità di giovani tunisinə verso l'Unione Europea (UE) è stata affrontata da 1 diversə studiosə, ma il movimento inverso, il ritorno in Tunisia, è stato principalmente studiato per il suo impatto sullo sviluppo locale e da un punto di vista teorico. Nella mia tesi, indago come l'attuale regime di frontiera europeo influenzi le decisioni di mobilità, presentando le riflessioni dei e delle partecipanti su ciò che tale regime rappresenta e simboleggia.
Il quadro teorico scelto, l'approccio dell'Autonomia della Migrazione (AoM), mette in luce la stretta relazione tra movimenti umani e confini. Di conseguenza, l'analisi delle esperienze personali dei e delle partecipanti è complementare allo studio di ciò che rappresentano le politiche migratorie europee e gli accordi con la Tunisia. Questi ultimi elementi sono letti attraverso le lenti della colonialità e della decolonialità.
Un’attenzione significativa è stata data al processo decisionale che ha portato i e le partecipanti a lasciare la Tunisia, così come agli immaginari di migrazione associate alla mobilità verso l’Europa. Dal punto di vista metodologico, ho condotto interviste individuali narrative e semi-strutturate con i e le sei partecipanti a questa ricerca e un focus group con due di loro.
Parole chiave: Tunisia, migrazione di ritorno, colonialità, regime di confine europeo
The Human History of a Route: Migration Through the Darién Gap
Ana Carolina García Jarquín
The Darién Gap, the natural border between Colombia and Panama, is a major transit route for thousands of people aiming to reach North America. This journey presents a series of dangers, including physical and sexual violence, and extreme environmental conditions, which increase the risk of disease, accidents, and injuries. This study highlights the state’s response to increased migratory flow in the region and the need for a comprehensive strategy that prioritises human rights protection. It also analyses the migratory route along the U.S.–Mexico border, to understand common challenges and governmental actions. Additionally, it underscores the collaborative work implemented by diverse organisations in the area, their impact and limitations. The research emphasises the diverse gendered experiences of those undertaking this journey and the risks and challenges jeopardising their physical, psychological, and social integrity. It also aims to raise awareness about irregular migration in the region and shed light on the experiences of migrants and refugees during the transit route. This study implemented two qualitative research methods: semi-structured interviews and a review of secondary sources. The research questions the humanitarian implications of migration through the Darién Gap and evaluates the intervention and actions of stakeholders in the area, intending to highlight the challenges encountered by people in situations of human mobility.
Keywords: Darién, risks, human rights, migrants and refugees, transit routes
El Tapón del Darién, frontera natural entre Colombia y Panamá, es una importante ruta de tránsito para miles de personas que se proponen llegar a Norteamérica. Este viaje presenta una serie de peligros, como la violencia física y sexual, y condiciones medioambientales extremas, que aumentan el riesgo de enfermedades, accidentes y lesiones. Este documento destaca la respuesta del Estado al aumento del flujo migratorio en la región y la necesidad de una estrategia integral que priorice la protección de los derechos humanos. Además, examina otras rutas migratorias, como la frontera entre Estados Unidos y México, para comprender las similitudes y las medidas gubernamentales. Asimismo, subraya el trabajo de colaboración realizado por diversas organizaciones en la zona, su impacto y sus desafíos. La investigación hace hincapié en las diversas experiencias de género de quienes emprenden este viaje y en los riesgos y desafíos que ponen en peligro su integridad física, psicológica y social. El estudio pretende concientizar sobre la migración irregular en la región y destacar las experiencias de las personas migrantes y refugiadas durante esa ruta tránsito. En el estudio se utilizaron dos métodos de investigación cualitativa: entrevistas semiestructuradas y una revisión de fuentes secundarias. La investigación cuestiona las implicaciones humanitarias de la migración a través del Darién y la intervención y las acciones de los actores en la zona, con el objetivo de visibilizar los desafíos que enfrentan las personas en situaciones de movilidad humana.
Palabras clave: Darién, riesgos, derechos humanos, migrantes y refugiados, rutas de transito
Le bouchon du Darién, frontière naturelle entre la Colombie et le Panama, est une voie de transit majeure pour des milliers de personnes cherchant à atteindre l’Amérique du Nord. Ce voyage présente une série de dangers, notamment la violence physique et sexuelle, et des conditions environnementales extrêmes, qui augmentent le risque de maladies, d’accidents et de blessures. Ce document met en lumière la réponse de l’État face à l’augmentation des flux migratoires dans la région et la nécessité d’une stratégie globale qui privilégie la protection des droits de l’homme. Il analyse également d’autres routes migratoires telles que la frontière entre les États-Unis et le Mexique, la Méditerranée et la route des Balkans, afin de comprendre les défis communs et les actions gouvernementales. En outre, cette étude souligne le travail de collaboration mis en œuvre par diverses organisations dans la région, leur impact et leurs limites. Elle met l’accent sur les différentes expériences de genre des personnes entreprenant ce trajet et sur les risques et les défis qui mettent en péril leur intégrité physique, psychologique et sociale. Ce travail vise à sensibiliser sur la migration irrégulière dans la région et à mettre en lumière les expériences des personnes migrantes et réfugiées au cours de ce périple. Pour cela, deux méthodes de recherche qualitative ont été utilisées : des entretiens semi-structurés et un examen des sources secondaires. Cette thèse s’interroge sur les implications humanitaires de la migration à travers le Darién et sur l’intervention et les actions des parties prenantes dans la région, en rendant visibles les défis multiples auxquels sont confrontées les personnes en situation de mobilité humaine.
Mots-clés: Darién, risques, droits humains, migrants et réfugiés, routes
Between Integration and Transnationalism: Multiple Case Studies of Ukrainian Mothers With Temporary Protection in France
Anastasiia Lukina
This thesis explores the experiences of Ukrainian mothers under temporary protection in France, focusing on the intersection of integration and transnational activities. This multiple-case qualitative research employs a combination of 13 semi-structured interviews and participant observation methods to provide in-depth insights into the lived experiences of these women. The study is framed within the contexts of forced migration, transnationalism, integration, and intersectionality theory, contributing to the emerging field of temporary protection research.
The study highlights the unique challenges faced by these women due to their complex identities as mothers, temporary protection holders, and Ukrainians. Their efforts to integrate into French society are often hindered by childcare responsibilities. The temporary protection status, while offering a more accessible and convenient option compared to other asylum mechanisms, also brings a significant degree of uncertainty to their lives in France.
The study reveals that transnational activities and community support play a crucial role in enhancing the resilience of these mothers, aiding their integration process. Despite the obstacles, these women maintain strong cultural ties with Ukraine and engage in cross-border activities, including healthcare, education, and employment. The findings emphasize the need for policies that support both integration and transnational connections, recognizing the dual nature of their existence. This study provides a comprehensive understanding of how Ukrainian mothers with temporary protection in France navigate the balance between integration and transnationalism. It highlights the factors that influence this coexistence and examines the impact of their legal status on their overall experiences.
Keywords: temporary protection, Ukrainian migration, forced migration, transnationalism, integration, gender, motherhood
Navigating Quebec’s Network of Migrant-Serving Civil Society Organizations (CSOs): Perspectives From Migrants and Key Practitioners
Catherine Blais-Delisle
Despite its reputation as a welfare state, Canada continues to restrict access to essential services for certain migrants while simultaneously including immigrants who represent an economic value to the state. To address the gaps in service provision experienced by certain categories of migrants, non-state actors—including civil society organizations (CSOs)—have been mandated by the state or taken it upon themselves to provide services to these populations and advocate for their rights, creating a “parallel system” of service provision. Based on a stakeholder mapping, an online survey completed by 31 CSOs, and a series of semi-structured interviews with six CSO practitioners and five migrants who either currently make use of their services or who have used them in the past, this research seeks, firstly, to capture the environment in which CSOs provide essential services to migrants and form coalitions in protecting and advocating for migrant rights. Secondly, this study seeks to gain a better understanding of the perspectives of service providers and their intended beneficiaries on the operationality of Quebec’s parallel network of service provision for migrant populations. This study uses the Advocacy Coalition Framework and draws on concepts of mobility justice and migrant illegality to examine collaboration and dissonance across migrant-serving CSOs in Quebec, Canada. By addressing a significant gap in the literature on coalitions among migrant-serving CSOs in Quebec, this study highlights the vital role of migrant advocacy coalitions in protecting and advocating for mobility justice and draws lessons for improved collaboration among these organizations.
Malgré sa réputation d’État providence, le Canada continue à restreindre l’accès à plusieurs services essentiels pour certaines personnes migrantes, tout en accueillant les personnes immigrantes qui représentent une valeur économique pour l’État. En l’absence de services offerts par les gouvernements fédéral et provincial pour certaines catégories de migrants, des organismes communautaires ont été mandatés par l’État ou se sont donnés la responsabilité d’offrir des services à ces populations et à se porter à la défense de leur droit, créant dès lors un système parallèle au système public. Ce projet de recherche se base sur une cartographie des organismes, un questionnaire en ligne complétée par 31 organismes communautaires ainsi qu’une série d’entrevues tenues avec six travailleurs d’organismes communautaires et cinq personnes migrantes dans l’objectif de, premièrement, faire un état des lieux de l’environnement politique et social dans lequel ces organismes communautaires offrent des services essentiels aux personnes migrantes et forment des coalitions pour protéger et promouvoir leurs droits. Deuxièmement, ce projet de recherche a pour objectif de prendre connaissance des perspectives des prestataires de service et leurs usagers sur l’opérationnalité du système parallèle de services dédiés aux personnes migrantes vivant au Québec. À partir du cadre d’analyse des coalitions de plaidoyer (Advocacy Coalition Framework) et des notions de justice liée à la mobilité et de l’illégalité migrante, cette étude analyse la collaboration et l’opposition au sein des organismes communautaires travaillants auprès des personnes migrantes au Québec. Tout en comblant une lacune importante dans la littérature sur l’existence de coalitions au sein des organismes au service des personnes migrantes au Québec, cette étude souligne le rôle essentiel que jouent les coalitions de plaidoyer menées par ces organismes dans la protection et la promotion de la justice migrante et formule des recommandations pour une meilleure collaboration au sein de ces organismes.
Transnational Social Protection and Displacement: Experiences of Ukrainian Refugee Families of Children Living With Disabilities in the Czech Republic
Charles Murata
Since the beginning of the conflict in Ukraine in February 2022, scholars have placed greater emphasis on the integration of Ukrainian refugees into host societies. Overwhelmingly, this work reflects a methodological nationalism approach that takes a state-centric perspective on refugee experiences, neglecting other crucial factors that shape migrants’ experiences in a transnational space. What is missing from contemporary discussions is how refugees, especially those in vulnerable situations such as families caring for children with disabilities, access transnational social protection. This study seeks to address this by determining the experiences of Ukrainian refugee families caring for children with disabilities in accessing social protection services in the Czech Republic. The study adopts qualitative methods, including in-depth semi-structured interviews and informal conversations with ten caregivers and four service providers, capturing the nuanced experiences of these families in the Czech Republic. Central to the study is the transnational social protection (TSP) framework, a robust theoretical framework that allows for a comprehensive analysis and theorizing access to support across borders. To further incorporate family experiences, the study includes the intersectionality theory to understand how intersecting layers of refugee status, gender, and disability influence access to social protection services. The findings reveal that available services in the Czech Republic inadequately meet the needs of these refugee families. Families navigate a fragmented landscape of formalized government services, semi-formal organizational support, and informal networks to cobble a patchwork of family protection. Numerous challenges have emerged, influenced by the intersecting marginalities of refugee status, family context, gender, and disability. Despite all these challenges, families do not alter their parenting and caring roles but rather exercise agency with access contingent on individual family networks. This study advocates a comprehensive multi-stakeholder approach to social protection policy and programming for this vulnerable population to improve access to social protection. Targeted efforts should enhance service provision, promoting the well-being and integration of refugee families caring for children with disabilities.
Keywords: transnational social protection, Ukrainian refugee families, children with disabilities
Reintegration of ‘Voluntary’ and Forced Return Migrants in Nigeria: Challenges, Opportunities, and Future Aspirations
Chiamaka Rita Akpuogwu
The phenomenon of reintegration is under-researched yet critical, especially amid increasing plans for deporting racialised aliens (Elias, 2024; EU Pact on Migration and Asylum, 2024; Oluyemi, 2024; Ehrkamp, 2019). Nigerians rank highly among the top nationalities detected for 'illegal' or irregular border crossings at EU external borders (Frontex, 2023), and the consistently low acceptance rate of asylum applications in European countries suggests an impending increase in returns. The returns to Nigeria occur either voluntarily (return migrants) or through coercion (deportees). This dissertation investigates the reintegration perceptions of return migrants and deportees in Nigeria, evaluating the impact of return and reintegration programmes on their well-being and future aspirations. The study employs qualitative methods, including participant observations and semi-structured interviews. The research involves fourteen return migrants and deportees, along with eight reintegration officials, to capture the nuanced reintegration experiences of returning individuals in Nigeria. The theoretical framework for this dissertation includes the theories of social, economic, cultural, and psychological capital (Ceciliano, 2017; Luthans et al., 2007; Bourdieu, 1986), migration aspiration theory (Carling & Schewel, 2020), and social network theory (Bourdieu & Wacquant, 1992; Loury, 1976). The findings reveal that existing reintegration programmes are ineffective in ensuring the reintegration of return migrants and deportees in Nigeria. As a result, returning individuals primarily rely on their social networks and inherent resilience to navigate the daunting reintegration landscape. Numerous challenges emerge, influenced by intersecting variables such as gender, class, ethnicity, educational background, age, traumatic migration experiences, and disabilities. The difficulties returning individuals face often lead them to harbour aspirations of remigration. This study contributes to the discourse on return and reintegration by presenting an integrated approach that emphasises the interplay between individual resources, community structures, and broader socio-economic contexts and how these factors influence reintegration trajectories in Nigeria. It advocates for a holistic appraisal of reintegration programmes and implementation strategies and further highlights the necessity of addressing the often-overlooked needs of returning individuals, such as providing adequate reintegration packages, prioritising psychosocial support, and recognising their intersecting vulnerabilities through targeted interventions. By doing so, the study aims to foster the sustainable reintegration of return migrants and deportees in Nigeria.
Hear Me Beyond Violence: Art as a Voice in Addressing Gender-Based Violence Among Syrian Refugee Women in İzmir, Türkiye
Duygu Sönal
Since the outbreak of the Syrian conflict over a decade ago, a large number of Syrian women have sought refuge in Türkiye. Though they face persistent risks of gender-based violence (GBV), their experiences are often disregarded or delegitimized in public discourse. Limited research has paid attention to the ongoing risks of GBV faced by Syrian refugee women once they have settled in their host country. While some humanitarian actors acknowledge this pressing issue and offer support services, addressing the complexities of GBV among refugee women requires innovative and inclusive approaches to bridge existing gaps in these efforts. Engaging with women’s narratives of post-migration, integrating a feminist approach, and utilizing participatory art-based research (ABR), the present study investigates how art-based interventions can deepen understanding of and responses to GBV among Syrian refugee women and enhance humanitarian efforts aimed at addressing this issue. More specifically, it explores the potential of art initiatives within these humanitarian responses to enhance the well-being and agency of Syrian refugee women in Türkiye, whether they are survivors or at risk of GBV. This study employed a combination of informal participant observation, three ABR workshops, and semi-structured interviews with six Syrian refugee women, complemented by interviews with five art practitioners. Guided by intersectional feminist theory from problem formulation to data collection and analysis, the findings demonstrate that interventions fostering individuality, social engagement, and self-expression hold significant potential for nurturing, strengthening, and amplifying refugee women’s subjective well-being and agency. The narratives also reveal the potential of these interventions as valuable tools to address various forms of GBV as part of humanitarian efforts. By addressing a significant gap in the literature, this study highlights the potential applications and breadth of art-related initiatives, proposes broadening their scope to include women’s everyday practices, and introduces the concept of “art-ish” activities.
Keywords: agency, art-based intervention, art-based research, gender-based violence, intersectional feminist theory, Syrian refugee women, Türkiye, well-being
Suriye çatışmasının başlamasının üzerinden on yılı aşkın bir süre geçmesinden bu yana, çok sayıda Suriyeli kadın Türkiye’ye sığınmıştır. Devam etmekte olan toplumsal cinsiyete dayalı şiddet (TCDŞ) riskiyle karşı karşıya kalmalarına rağmen, yaşadıkları deneyimler kamu söyleminde genellikle göz ardı edilmekte veya geçersiz kılınmaktadır. Göçmen olarak yerleştikleri ülkede Suriyeli mülteci kadınların maruz kaldığı süregelen TCDŞ risklerine sınırlı araştırma ilgisi gösterilmiştir. Bazı insani yardım kuruluşları bu kritik sorunu kabul ederek destek hizmetleri sunsa da, mülteci kadınlar arasında TCDŞ’in karmaşık yapısını ele almak ve mevcut çabalardaki boşlukları kapatmak için yenilikçi ve kapsayıcı yaklaşımlar gerekmektedir. Kadınların göç sonrası anlatılarına odaklanarak, feminist bir yaklaşımı entegre ederek ve katılımcı sanat temelli araştırma yöntemlerini kullanarak, bu çalışma sanata dayalı müdahalelerin Suriyeli mülteci kadınlar arasında TCDŞ konusunda daha derin bir anlayışa ulaşmaya ve yanıt geliştirmeye, ve bu alandaki insani yardım çabalarını nasıl güçlendirebileceğini araştırmaktadır. Daha spesifik olarak, bu çalışma insani yardım alanında sanata dayalı girişimlerin, TCDŞ deneyiminden hayatta kalan veya risk altındaki Suriyeli mülteci kadınların iyilik halini ve failliğini güçlendirme potansiyelini araştırmaktadır. Çalışma, altı Suriyeli mülteci kadınla yapılan katılımcı gözlemleri, üç sanat temelli araştırma atölyesi ve yarı yapılandırılmış görüşmelerin yanı sıra beş sanat uygulayıcısı ile yapılan görüşmelerle desteklenen bir veri toplama süreci yürütmüştür. Sorun formülasyonundan veri toplama ve analizine kadar Kesişimsel Feminist Teori rehberliğinde elde edilen bulgular bireyselliği, sosyal katılımı ve kendini ifadeyi teşvik eden müdahalelerin, mülteci kadınların öznel iyi olma hali ve yetkinliğini beslemek, güçlendirmek ve büyütmek için önemli bir potansiyele sahip olduğunu göstermiştir. Anlatılar ayrıca bu müdahalelerin çeşitli TCDŞ türlerini ele almak için insani yardım çabalarının bir parçası olarak değerli bir araç olma potansiyelini de ortaya koymuştur. Literatürdeki önemli bir boşluğu ele alarak, bu çalışma sanatla ilgili girişimlerin potansiyel uygulamalarını ve alanlarını vurgulamakta, kadınların günlük pratiklerini de içerecek şekilde kapsamını genişletmeyi önermekte ve “sanatvari” aktiviteler kavramını tanıtmaktadır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: faillik, sanata dayalı müdahale, sanat tabanlı araştırma, toplumsal cinsiyete dayalı şiddet, Kesişimsel Feminist Teori, Suriyeli mülteci kadınlar, Türkiye, iyi olma hali
Global Compact on Refugees: A Contrasting Study Measuring the Impact on the Lives of Refugees in Uganda and the Netherlands
Esmé Starke
This thesis investigates the implementation and impact of the Global Compact on Refugees (GCR) in the contexts of the Netherlands and Uganda, representing the Global North and Global South, respectively. The research aims to understand how the GCR influences the responsibilities and consequences for these regions and examines the shift from humanitarianism to development in shaping refugee experiences. Utilizing a multi-level qualitative comparative analysis (QCA), this study explores policy frameworks, NGO involvement, and the lived experiences of refugees. The findings reveal that the GCR has prompted both countries to enhance their refugee policies, with the Netherlands increasing resettlement quotas and Uganda reinforcing its progressive self-reliance model. However, significant challenges persist. In the Netherlands, bureaucratic hurdles and stringent integration policies create barriers for refugees, while Uganda faces resource constraints and dependency on international aid, affecting the sustainability of its policies.
The shift from humanitarian aid to development strategies, a core principle of the GCR, shows mixed results. Uganda's initiatives, such as the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework (CRRF) and Refugee and Host Population Empowerment (ReHoPE), promote sustainable livelihoods but are hindered by funding shortfalls and bureaucratic inefficiencies. In the Netherlands, development-oriented policies aim to integrate refugees economically but often fall short due to complex legal processes and inadequate support for education and professional advancement. The research underscores the critical need for flexible and supportive frameworks that align with the GCR's objectives, addressing both immediate and long-term needs of refugees. The study calls for enhanced international cooperation, resource allocation, and policy adjustments to bridge the gap between policy and practice, ensuring refugees can achieve self-reliance and integration in their host countries.
Keywords: Global Compact on Refugees, qualitative comparative analysis, humanitarian development nexus, Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework
Deze scriptie onderzoekt de implementatie en impact van het Global Compact on Refugees (GCR) in de context van Nederland en Oeganda, die respectievelijk de Global North en Global South vertegenwoordigen. Het onderzoek heeft als doel te begrijpen hoe het GCR de verantwoordelijkheden en gevolgen voor deze regio's beïnvloedt en onderzoekt de verschuiving van humanitarisme naar ontwikkeling in het vormgeven van de ervaringen van vluchtelingen. Met behulp van een multi-level kwalitatieve vergelijkende analyse (QCA) verkent deze studie beleidskaders, de betrokkenheid van NGO's en de geleefde ervaringen van vluchtelingen.
De bevindingen tonen aan dat het GCR beide landen ertoe heeft aangezet hun vluchtelingenbeleid te verbeteren, waarbij Nederland de hervestigingsquota heeft verhoogd en Oeganda zijn progressieve zelfredzaamheidsmodel heeft versterkt. Echter, er blijven aanzienlijke uitdagingen bestaan. In Nederland creëren bureaucratische obstakels en strikte integratiepolitiek barrières voor vluchtelingen, terwijl Oeganda te maken heeft met beperkte middelen en afhankelijkheid van internationale hulp, wat de duurzaamheid van zijn beleid beïnvloedt.
De verschuiving van humanitaire hulp naar ontwikkelingsstrategieën, een kernprincipe van het GCR, laat gemengde resultaten zien. De initiatieven van Oeganda, zoals het Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework (CRRF) en Refugee and Host Population Empowerment (ReHoPE), bevorderen duurzame bestaansmiddelen, maar worden belemmerd door financieringstekorten en bureaucratische inefficiënties. In Nederland zijn ontwikkelingsgerichte beleidsmaatregelen gericht op de economische integratie van vluchtelingen, maar vaak schieten ze tekort door complexe juridische processen en onvoldoende ondersteuning voor onderwijs en professionele vooruitgang.
Het onderzoek benadrukt de kritieke noodzaak van flexibele en ondersteunende kaders die in lijn zijn met de doelstellingen van het GCR, waarbij zowel de onmiddellijke als de lange termijn behoeften van vluchtelingen worden aangepakt. De studie roept op tot verbeterde internationale samenwerking, toewijzing van middelen en beleidsaanpassingen om de kloof tussen beleid en praktijk te overbruggen, zodat vluchtelingen zelfredzaamheid en integratie in hun gastlanden kunnen bereiken.
Climate Justice for Nilotic Pastoral Groups and Climate-Induced Migration in Kenya: An Autoethnographic Exploration of an Agĩkũyũ Kenyan
Eva Ann Wanjiku Chege
Kenya is currently grappling with the severe impacts of climate change, ranking 14th out of 48 nations in the Climate Vulnerability Monitor (2022). Among the most affected are Nilotic pastoralist communities, whose livelihoods and cultural identities are closely tied to their natural environment. Nilotic pastoralist communities face compounding vulnerabilities from climate change, marginalisation, and forced displacement (Kameri-Mbote, 2009). The disruptions caused by climate variability not only threaten their indigenous means of subsistence but also erode their spiritual and cultural connections to ancestral lands (Kameri-Mbote & Nyukuri, 2017).
In contrast, the Agĩkũyũ people, including myself, benefit from privileged access to socio-economic resources and political influence, a legacy of Kenya's colonial past. This inherited privilege presents not only a societal status but also a potential tool for advancing climate justice for Nilotic pastoralist groups, who are disproportionately affected by climate change.
Grounded in decolonial theory, I critically engage with my privileged position as an Agĩkũyũ, seeking to understand how I can contribute to climate justice for the marginalised Nilotic pastoralist communities. Focusing on centering the voices of Nilotic pastoral groups, this research further explores their perspectives and experiences with external interventions related to climate justice and the challenges posed by climate-induced migration. The aim is to contribute to strategies that are both equitable and culturally respectful of their lived experiences. Building on this decolonial framework, this research employs a mixed-methods approach combining micro-ethnography and autoethnography to explore how I, as a privileged Agĩkũyũ, can contribute to climate justice for Nilotic pastoralist communities in Kenya.
Haki ya hali ya hewa kwa vikundi vya Wachungaji wa Nilotic na uhamaji unaosababishwa na hali ya hewa nchini Kenya: Uchunguzi wa ki-autoethnografia wa mkenya Mũgĩkũyũ.
Eva Ann Wanjikũ Chege
Kwa sasa Kenya inakabiliana na athari mbaya za mabadiliko ya hali ya hewa, ikiorodheshwa ya 14 kati ya mataifa 48 katika Monitor ya Kuathiriwa kwa Hali ya Hewa (2022). Miongoni mwa walioathirika zaidi ni jamii za wafugaji wa Niloti, ambao maisha yao na utambulisho wao wa kitamaduni unafungamana kwa karibu na mazingira yao ya asili. Jamii za wafugaji wa Niloti zinakabiliwa na udhaifu mkubwa kutokana na mabadiliko ya hali ya hewa, kutengwa, na kulazimishwa kuhama (Kameri-Mbote, 2009). Usumbufu unaosababishwa na kutofautiana kwa hali ya hewa hautishii tu njia zao za kiasili za kujikimu lakini pia huharibu uhusiano wao wa kiroho na kitamaduni na ardhi ya mababu (Kameri-Mbote & Nyukuri, 2017).
Kinyume chake, watu wa Agĩkũyũ, nikiwa mmoja wao, tumenufaika kutokana na upendeleo wa kupata rasilimali za kijamii na kiuchumi na ushawishi wa kisiasa, urithi wa zamani wa ukoloni wa Kenya. Fursa hii ya kurithi haitoi hadhi ya kijamii tu bali pia ni chombo kinachotumika kuendeleza haki ya hali ya hewa kwa makundi ya wafugaji wa Niloti, ambao wameathiriwa kwa kiasi kikubwa na mabadiliko ya hali ya hewa.
Ikizingatiwa katika nadharia ya uondoaji ukoloni, tasnifu hii inachunguza jinsi urithi wa kikoloni umeimarisha usawa wa mamlaka kuwapendelea Waagĩkũyũ huku wakiwatenga wafugaji wa Kiniloti. Kwa kujihusisha kwa kina na fursa yangu ya kurithi, utafiti huu unachunguza jinsi unavyoweza kufadhiliwa ili kusaidia kuwezesha haki ya hali ya hewa kwa jamii za wafugaji wa Niloti. Kwa kutumia mbinu mseto inayochanganya micro-ethnografia na autoethnografia, tasnifu hii inachunguza jinsi mimi, kama Mũgĩkũyũ aliyebahatika kwa fursa, ninaweza kuchangia haki ya hali ya hewa kwa vikundi vya wafugaji wa Niloti nchini Kenya.
Indian Diaspora in Norway: Transnational Activities and Capabilities
Farseen Ali Puthanveettil
This thesis investigates transnational practices among the Indian diaspora in Norway, a demographic of growing importance yet under-researched in the Norwegian context. The study addresses two main questions: the types of transnational activities engaged in by this diaspora and the capabilities enabling or restraining these practices. Using transnationalism as a conceptual framework, the research explores economic, social, cultural, religious, and political practices within the diaspora's transnational social spaces and fields and the motivations, opportunities, and challenges they encounter. Methodologically, it employs qualitative methods including semi-structured interviews, informal conversations, and observations, triangulating data for comprehensive analysis. The findings highlight diverse transnational practices such as financial and social remittances, family visits, investments, cultural events, political engagement, and religious activities, influenced by capabilities like the presence of transnational organisations, diaspora associations, state support, and future aspirations. This study contributes to the understanding of how a first-generation, highly skilled diaspora group navigates and sustains transnational practices, offering insights distinct from studies focusing on other diasporas in Norway.
Keywords: transnationalism, diaspora, migration
നോർവേയിലെ ഇന്ത്യൻ പ്രവാസികളുടെ ട്രാൻസ്നാഷണൽ പ്രാക്ടീസുകളെ സംബന്ധിച്ചുള്ള അന്വേഷണമാണ് ഈ ഗവേഷണ പ്രബന്ധം. വർദ്ധിച്ചുവരുന്ന പ്രാധാന്യമുള്ള ഒരു ജനവിഭാഗം എന്ന നിലയിൽ നോർവേയിൽ ഇന്ത്യൻ പ്രവാസികളെ സംബന്ധിച്ച സമകാലിക പഠനങ്ങൾ വിരളമാണ്. ഈയൊരു പശ്ചാത്തലത്തിൽ രണ്ട് പ്രധാന ചോദ്യങ്ങളെ അടിസ്ഥാനപ്പെടുത്തിയിട്ടാണ് ഈ ഗവേഷണം നടത്തിയിട്ടുള്ളത്. ഇന്ത്യൻ പ്രവാസികൾ ഏർപ്പെട്ടിരിക്കുന്ന ട്രാൻസ്നാഷണൽ പ്രാക്ടീസുകളുടെ വിവിധ തരങ്ങളെയും, അവയെ പ്രാപ്തമാക്കുന്നതോ നിയന്ത്രിക്കുന്നതോ ആയ കാര്യങ്ങളെയും ആണ് ഈ ഗവേഷണ ചോദ്യങ്ങൾ അഭിസംബോധന ചെയ്യുന്നത്. ട്രാൻസ്നാഷണലിസത്തെ ഒരു ആശയപരമായ ചട്ടക്കൂടായി ഉപയോഗിച്ച്, ഇന്ത്യൻ പ്രവാസികളുടെ സാമ്പത്തിക, സാമൂഹിക, സാംസ്കാരിക, മത, രാഷ്ട്രീയ പ്രാക്ടീസുകളെ സംബന്ധിച്ചും, ഈ പ്രാക്ടീസുകളിൽ ഇടപെടുന്നതിനായി അവരെ പ്രാപ്യമാക്കുന്ന പ്രചോദനങ്ങൾ, അവസരങ്ങൾ, വിഭവങ്ങൾ, അവർ നേരിടുന്ന വെല്ലുവിളികൾ തുടങ്ങിയവയും പ്രബന്ധം വിലയുരുത്തുന്നു. ഓസ്ലോയിലെയും പരിസര പ്രദേശങ്ങളിലെയും ഇന്ത്യൻ പ്രാവാസികളുമായി നടത്തിയ അഭിമുഖങ്ങളും, അനൗപചാരിക സംഭാഷണങ്ങളും, പ്രവാസിയിടങ്ങളിലെ ഫീൽഡ് നിരീക്ഷണങ്ങളും അടിസ്ഥാനമാക്കി ശേഖരിച്ച ഡാറ്റാ, 'ട്രയാൻഗുലേഷൻ' രീതി ഉപയോഗിച്ചാണ് വിശകലനം ചെയ്യുന്നത്. രാജ്യാന്തര സംഘടനകളുടെ സാന്നിധ്യം, പ്രവാസി സംഘടനകൾ, സർക്കാർ പിന്തുണ, ഭാവി അഭിലാഷങ്ങൾ തുടങ്ങിയ കഴിവുകളാൽ സ്വാധീനിക്കപ്പെട്ട പണമയയ്ക്കൽ (റെമിറ്റൻസ്), കുടുംബ സന്ദർശനങ്ങൾ, സോഷ്യൽ റെമിറ്റൻസ്, നിക്ഷേപങ്ങൾ, സാംസ്കാരിക പരിപാടികൾ, രാഷ്ട്രീയ ഇടപെടൽ, മതപരമായ പ്രവർത്തനങ്ങൾ എന്നിങ്ങനെയുള്ള വൈവിധ്യമാർന്ന ട്രാൻസ്നാഷണൽ പ്രാക്ടീസുകളെ ഗവേഷണ കണ്ടെത്തലുകൾ എടുത്തുകാണിക്കുന്നു. നോർവേയിലെ മറ്റ് പ്രവാസി കമ്മ്യൂണിറ്റികളെ കേന്ദ്രീകരിച്ചുള്ള പഠനങ്ങളിൽ നിന്ന് വ്യത്യസ്തമായി ഒന്നാം തലമുറ ഉയർന്ന വൈദഗ്ധ്യമുള്ള പ്രവാസി സംഘം എങ്ങനെയാണ് ട്രാൻസ്നാഷണൽ പ്രാക്ടീസുകളിൽ ഏർപ്പെടുന്നതെന്ന് മനസ്സിലാക്കാൻ ഈ പഠനം സഹായിക്കുന്നു.
കീവേഡുകൾ: ട്രാൻസ്നാഷണലിസം, ഡയസ്പോറ, മൈഗ്രേഷൻ
Structural Barriers to Activism Among Ethnic Minorities in Europe: A Study of the Roma Population in Norway
Understanding how people negotiate their sense of belonging and identity in their daily lives within Norwegian society is essential given the rise in cultural variety brought by immigration. The complicated dynamics of identity and its connection to activism among Roma people in Norway is the subject of this study. The study employs qualitative methodology, using podcasts and secondary sources to obtain insight into the experiences and viewpoints of Roma people residing in Norway. Drawing on social identity theory, the paper explores the complicated course of identity creation and the variables that affect people’s sense of identity in a relatively new multicultural society such as Norway. The paper also uses critical race theory to show how race is an important factor in shaping lived experiences. The results show that Roma people have a broad spectrum of emotions and thoughts about their individuality and feelings of Norwegian connection. However, further research is needed to fully understand the experiences of the Roma community in Norway.
Keywords: Norway, migrants, Roma People, identity minority groups, activism, CRT
Towards Sustainable Protection Strategies for Environmentally Displaced Third-Country Nationals in Italy: The Capacity to Aspire for a Policy Change
Francesca Panico
As national and international responses to environmental displacement fall short, various practitioners, including CSO and NGO leaders, academics, and solicitors, have emerged to advocate for fairer recognition and protection of this affected group. This study adopts a top-down/bottom-up approach to address policy, legal, and knowledge gaps characterising the nexus between human displacement and environmental changes, and to explore the various strategies adopted by practitioners on the ground to contrast institutional challenges and provoke a paradigm shift in environmental migration policy. Drawing on the theoretical framework of Immigration Policy Gaps, this study explores and discusses the effectiveness of existing legal instruments for the protection of environmentally displaced third-country nationals in the EU, with a specific focus on Italy as an illustrative case of a national protection framework introduced by the 2018 Security Decree. Through the theoretical lens of the Capacity to Aspire, this study also uncovers the motivations and aspirations driving the work of practitioners on the ground and how these shape their perspectives on environmental deterioration, displacement, policies in place, and advocacy efforts. Findings gained through policy document analysis and semi-structured in-depth interviews show that policy responses to environmental change impacts remain ambiguous and marked by uncertainty. However, the aspiration for policy changes appears to be the main driver pushing practitioners to fill normative, socio-cultural, and policy gaps for a greater acknowledgment of the rights of environmentally displaced populations. The ideal protection strategies for environmental migrants envisioned by the informants and worked for through their collaborative efforts are also discussed and compared, along with grassroots insights into how the identified gaps can be addressed to promote more just, equal, and human-rights-based outcomes. Therefore, by integrating bottom-up perspectives into top-down higher-policy discussions, this study contributes to a deeper understanding of environmental migration dynamics and management from an international, European, and national perspective and offers pathways for future research and recommendations for activism and sustainable policy development.
Keywords: environmental migration, displacement, climate change, policy, protection, advocacy, human mobility, aspirations, policy analysis, grassroots activism, third-country nationals, Italy
Poiché le risposte nazionali ed internazionali allo sfollamento per cause ambientali risultano insufficienti, varie figure, tra cui leader di organizzazioni della società civile e non-profit, ricercatori ed avvocati, sono emersi per promuovere un maggiore riconoscimento e una protezione più equa per questo gruppo di migranti. Questo studio adotta un approccio top-down/bottom-up per esaminare le lacune politiche, legali e sociali che caratterizzano il nesso tra spostamenti umani e cambiamenti ambientali, ed esplora le varie strategie adottate dagli operatori sul campo per far fronte all’indifferenza istituzionale e provocare un cambiamento di paradigma nelle politiche di migrazione ambientale. Basandosi sul quadro teorico di Immigration Policy Gaps, si esamina l’efficacia degli strumenti legali esistenti per la protezione dei cittadini di paesi terzi sfollati per motivi ambientali nell’UE, con un focus specifico sulla protezione domestica per disastri climatici in Italia introdotta dal Decreto Sicurezza del 2018. Attraverso la lente teorica di The Capacity to Aspire, questo studio offre anche un’analisi approfondita sulle motivazioni e le aspirazioni che guidano le azioni degli operatori sul campo, e di come queste plasmino le loro prospettive sul deterioramento e sfollamento ambientale, sulle politiche esistenti, e sulle iniziative di attivismo. I risultati ottenuti qualitativamente attraverso policy document analysis ed interviste semi-strutturate dimostrano che le risposte politiche agli impatti dei cambiamenti ambientali sulla mobilità umana sono caratterizzate da ambiguità ed incertezza. Tuttavia, l’aspirazione ad un cambiamento politico sembra essere il principale motore che spinge gli esperti sul campo a colmare lacune normative, socioculturali e politiche per un maggiore riconoscimento dei diritti di cittadini terzi sfollati per motivi ambientali. Sono ulteriormente discusse le dinamiche di collaborazione e le strategie di protezione ideali immaginate dagli intervistati. In maniera complementare, si presentano suggerimenti degli esperti, emersi dalle interviste, su come le lacune identificate possano essere affrontate per promuovere pratiche più giuste, eque, e basate sui diritti umani. Pertanto, incorporando prospettive bottom-up a discussioni top-down, questo studio offre una chiave di lettura innovativa sulle dinamiche e sulla gestione della migrazione ambientale da una prospettiva internazionale, europea e nazionale. Infine, spunti per ricerche future, raccomandazioni per l’attivismo e per lo sviluppo di politiche sostenibili sono presentate nella conclusione.
Keywords: Migrazione Ambientale, Cambiamenti Climatici, Politica Europea, Protezione, Advocacy, Mobilità Umana, Aspirazioni, Policy Analysis, Attivismo, Cittadini di Paesi Terzi, Italia.
The Integration of Migrant Children in Mexican Primary Schools: Experiences on the Southern Border
Frida Stephany Yee Salas
The integration of migrant children into schools on Mexico’s southern border is being overlooked in the existing literature and most national policies, even though Mexico has become a destination country for thousands of migrants in Latin America. Based on the theoretical framework of integration and intercultural education, this research focused on detecting discrimination and identifying the existing cooperation with parents in two primary schools in Tapachula, Mexico. A qualitative research approach and thematic analysis were implemented to answer the research questions: How is discrimination against migrant children addressed at schools? How do the schools cooperate with migrant parents to promote integration? The analysis of semi-structured interviews with parents and pedagogical staff led to the identification of the main challenges for integration, including the existing discrimination at the personal and institutional level and the lack of psychosocial and language support. These findings enabled the formulation of recommendations that could be applied to more schools in the country.
Keywords: integration, migrant children, Mexico’s southern border, intercultural education,
discrimination, cooperation with parents
La integración de los niños migrantes en las escuelas de la frontera sur de México está siendo ignorada en la literatura existente y en la mayoría de las políticas nacionales, a pesar de que México se ha convertido en un país de destino para miles de migrantes en América Latina. Al analizar el marco de la integración y educación intercultural, esta investigación se centró en detectar la discriminación en las escuelas y la cooperación existente con los padres. Se implementó un enfoque de investigación cualitativa y un análisis temático para responder a las preguntas de investigación: ¿Cómo se aborda la discriminación de los niños migrantes en la escuela? ¿Cómo coopera la escuela con los padres migrantes para promover la integración? El análisis de entrevistas semiestructuradas con padres y personal pedagógico ayudó a identificar los principales desafíos para la integración y a proporcionar recomendaciones que podrían aplicarse en más escuelas del país.
Palabras clave: Integración, Niñez Migrante, Frontera Sur de México, Educación Intercultural,
Discriminación, Cooperación con Padres.
Education Integration of Migrant Students in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals in Norway: A Mixed Method Study of Education Policies and Practices in Norway
Kamsi Promise Anya-Obodo
This master’s thesis studies the impact of education policies and practices on achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for sub-Saharan West African master’s students in Norway. The study explores Norway’s recent tuition fees policy for international students, who traditionally enjoy free higher education, and its alignment with SDG 4 (Quality Education) and SDG 10 (Reduced Inequalities). The study also investigates the role of language proficiency requirements as potential barriers to inclusivity, relating to SDG 16 (Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions). How do tuition fees for international students affect accessibility and align with SDG 4 and SDG 10? What are the impacts of language proficiency requirements on inclusivity and educational opportunities? How do these policies affect historically marginalized groups and socioeconomic diversity? What challenges do international students face regarding social integration and academic success? Using a mixed-methods approach, the study looked at policy documents, white papers, and available statistics. There were also qualitative interviews with sub-Saharan West African students. The findings can inform policy recommendations that promote an inclusive, multilingual educational environment.
Keywords: SDGs, education, integration, master's students, sub-Saharan West African migrants, UN
Nostalgia, Homemaking, and Waiting Among Ukrainian Beneficiaries of Temporary Protection in the Czech Republic
Lilian Ebere Anazube
Rooted in one's past and encompassing life-altering events, close relationships, and significant experiences, nostalgia elicits bittersweet emotions and is frequently associated with cultural traditions, familiar places, and loved ones left behind (Sedikides & Wildschut, 2022). In the context of migration, nostalgia may significantly influence how migrants perceive their host country, contributing to both positive and challenging perceptions (Xou, Wildschut, Cable, & Sedikides, 2018; Wildschut, Sedikides, & Alowidy, 2019). For forcibly displaced individuals, temporary legal status, marked by prolonged waiting periods, introduces uncertainty that may impact how refugees make homes in their host countries, shaping their homemaking experiences. This research examines the intricate interplay between nostalgia, waiting, and homemaking among Ukrainian beneficiaries of temporary protection in the Czech Republic. The question driving this research is: How does nostalgia influence the homemaking practices of Ukrainian beneficiaries of temporary protection in the Czech Republic? Nostalgia and homemaking offer comprehensive analytical lenses to understand the complex dynamics in the homemaking experiences of Ukrainian beneficiaries of temporary protection due to their legal status. This thesis is a qualitative methodological study in which I have used in-depth interviews and participant observation for data collection. I analysed the data into themes. Findings revealed that nostalgia is a powerful emotional anchor for many Ukrainian beneficiaries of temporary protection in the Czech Republic, helping them connect to their past while navigating the complexities and uncertainties of their legal status. This connection manifests through various practices that provide emotional comfort and a sense of cultural continuity, essential for their psychological well-being. However, the temporary nature of their legal status creates a persistent tension between the longing for the past and the need to adapt to the present. The temporary nature of their status means that they often live with constant anxiety about potential changes to their residency conditions. This precariousness makes it challenging to fully embrace their new surroundings and invest emotionally and physically in homemaking.
Keywords: nostalgia, forced migration, homemaking, legal status, temporary protection
Abstrakt na Igbo
Gbanyere mkpọrọgwụ n'oge gara aga na nke gụnyere ihe omume na-agbanwe ndụ, mmekọrịta chiri anya, na ahụmihe dị ịrịba ama, agụụ agụụ na-ewepụta mmetụta dị ilu ma na-ejikọta ya na omenala omenala, ebe ndị ama ama, na ndị ọ hụrụ n'anya hapụrụ (Sedikides & Wildschut, 2022). N'ihe gbasara ịkwaga mba ọzọ, enweghị mmasị nwere ike imetụta ka ndị na-akwaga mba ọzọ si aghọta obodo ha, na-enye aka na nghọta dị mma na nke siri ike (Xou, Wildschut, Cable, & Sedikides, 2018; Wildschut, Sedikides, & Alowidy, 2019). Maka ndị a chụpụrụ n'ike n'ike, ọnọdụ iwu nwa oge, nke ogologo oge nchere mara, na-ewebata ejighị n'aka nke nwere ike imetụta otú ndị gbara ọsọ ndụ si arụ ụlọ na mba ha, na-akpụzi ahụmịhe ụlọ ha. Nnyocha a na-enyocha mkparịta ụka dị mgbagwoju anya n'etiti agụụ, ichere, na ime ụlọ n'etiti ndị Ukraine na-erite uru na nchebe nwa oge na Czech Republic. Ajụjụ na-eme nchọpụta a bụ: Kedu ka agụụ mmekọahụ si emetụta omume ụlọ nke ndị Ukraine na-erite uru na nchekwa nwa oge na Czech Republic? Nostalgia na ime ụlọ na-enye lenses nyocha zuru oke iji ghọta ihe mgbagwoju anya na ahụmịhe ụlọ nke ndị Ukraine na-erite uru na nchekwa nwa oge n'ihi ọnọdụ iwu ha. Usoro mmụta a bụ usoro ọmụmụ qualitative, bụ nke m jiworo ajụjụ ọnụ miri emi na nleba anya ndị sonyere maka nchịkọta data. M nyochara data ahụ n'ime isiokwu. Nchoputa ekpughere na nostalgia bụ arịlịka mmetụta mmetụta siri ike maka ọtụtụ ndị Ukraine na-erite uru na nchekwa nwa oge na Czech Republic, na-enyere ha aka jikọọ na oge gara aga ka ha na-agagharị na mgbagwoju anya na ejighị n'aka nke ọnọdụ iwu ha. Njikọ a na-egosipụta site na omume dị iche iche nke na-enye nkasi obi mmetụta uche na mmetụta nke omenala na-aga n'ihu, dị mkpa maka ọdịmma nke uche ha. Otú ọ dị, ọdịdị nwa oge nke ọnọdụ iwu ha na-eme ka esemokwu na-adịgide adịgide n'etiti ọchịchọ maka oge gara aga na mkpa ọ dị ime mgbanwe ugbu a. Ọdịdị nwa oge nke ọnọdụ ha pụtara na ha na-enwekarị nchekasị mgbe nile banyere mgbanwe ndị nwere ike ime na ọnọdụ obibi ha. Nchegbu a na-eme ka ọ bụrụ ihe siri ike ịnakwere gburugburu ọhụrụ ha nke ọma na itinye ego n'ụzọ mmetụta uche na nke anụ ahụ n'ime ụlọ.
Keywords: nostalgia, mmanye ịkwaga, ime ụlọ, ọnọdụ iwu, nchekwa nwa oge
Addressing Teachers' Needs in Teaching Portuguese as a Welcoming Language for Adults: A Case Study from São Paulo City
Mariana Lopes da Silva
This thesis delves into the teachers' needs when teaching Portuguese as a Welcoming Language in the project "Portuguese for International Migrants at Espaço de Bitita School" in São Paulo City. Learning a second language can help migrants overcome the first challenge they face when coming to a new country: the language barrier. Inconsistent public policies and the lack of formal training for teachers are concerning, mainly because many teachers are volunteers. Thus, understanding teachers' needs in classrooms becomes essential for better development of teaching programs and public policies. The project uses Portuguese as a Welcoming Language concept (PLAc), encompassing the students' culture and background and promoting interculturality. This was a qualitative study with the participation of twelve project educators. Semi-structured interviews and classroom observations were conducted. The data was examined through thematic analysis and organized into three main themes: Resources, Intercultural Education, and Improvements. The results were interpreted using Paulo Freire's perspective, the PLAc concept definitions, and Intercultural Education. The study uncovered the vital importance of resources such as ongoing training, support through continuous education, and regular meetings for exchanging knowledge and experiences. Intercultural Education plays a significant role in teaching PLAc from the school's approach to project work and classroom activities. Despite the project's overall success and significant support from civil society, the participants suggest ongoing improvements, particularly regarding human resources, to ensure the project progresses. This research contributes valuable information to developing effective teacher training programs that teach PLAc and creating future public policies for teaching Portuguese to migrants.
Keywords: Portuguese as a Welcoming Language, interculturality, intercultural education, teacher training programs, migrants
Esta tese investiga as necessidades dos professores no ensino de Português como Língua de Acolhimento no projeto "Português para Migrantes Internacionais do Espaço de Bitita" na cidade de São Paulo. Aprender uma segunda língua pode auxiliar migrantes a superar os primeiros desafios que enfrentam quando chegam a um novo país: a barreira linguística. Políticas públicas inconsistentes e a falta de formação para professores são preocupantes, pois muitos professores são voluntários. Assim, compreender as necessidades dos professores torna- se essencial para o desenvolvimento de programas de ensino e políticas públicas. O projeto utiliza o conceito de Português como Língua de Acolhimento (PLAc), abrangendo a cultura e origens dos alunos, promovendo interculturalidade. Portanto, este é um estudo qualitativo com participação de doze educadores do projeto. Entrevistas semiestruturadas e observações em sala de aula foram realizadas e examinadas por meio de análise temática, em que organizou três temas principais: Recursos, Educação Intercultural e Melhorias. Resultados foram desenvolvidos a partir da perspectiva de Paulo Freire, definições do conceito de PLAc e Educação Intercultural. O estudo revelou a importância de recursos como formação continuada e reuniões regulares para troca de conhecimentos e experiências. A Educação Intercultural apresentou um papel significativo no ensino de PLAc, desde a abordagem da escola, no projeto e em atividades em sala de aula. Apesar do sucesso do projeto e apoio significativo da sociedade civil, os participantes sugerem melhorias contínuas, especialmente no que diz respeito aos recursos humanos, para garantir o progresso do projeto. Esta pesquisa contribui com informações para o desenvolvimento de formação de professores que ensinam PLAc e criação de futuras políticas públicas no ensino de português para migrantes.
Palavras-chave: Português como língua de acolhimento, interculturalidade, educação intercultural, formação de professores, migrantes
Governing Migration in the Urban Labour Market Integration: A Case Study of Manaus and the Venezuelan Migration
Marina Aragão Santos
This study investigates the integration of Venezuelan migrants into the urban labour market of Manaus, Brazil. Through a comprehensive analysis of local governance frameworks and labour policies, the research aims to understand the multifaceted challenges and opportunities associated with the socioeconomic inclusion of migrants in an urban setting. Utilising qualitative methods, including documentary analysis, interviews with key stakeholders, and participant observations, the study explores the roles of government bodies, NGOs, and international organisations in facilitating labour market access for Venezuelan migrants. Findings highlight significant barriers migrants face, including legal, cultural, and linguistic obstacles, and underscore the importance of coordinated efforts at the municipal level to enhance integration outcomes. Additionally, the research emphasises the need to enhance programs targeted at vulnerable communities, engage with the private sector to formalise entrepreneurship, and expand urban services such as transportation, housing, and healthcare for the broader community. The research contributes to the broader discourse on migration governance by emphasising the need for inclusive policies and sustainable employment strategies considering the unique dynamics of urban environments in the Global South. By focusing on the case of Manaus, this thesis provides valuable insights for developing more effective migration policies and practices applicable to similar contexts.
Keywords: Venezuelan migrants, urban labour market integration, migration governance, socioeconomic inclusion, Manaus, Brazil
Este estudo investiga a integração dos migrantes venezuelanos no mercado de trabalho urbano de Manaus, Brasil. Por meio de uma análise abrangente das estruturas de governança local e políticas trabalhistas, a pesquisa visa compreender os desafios e oportunidades multifacetados associados à inclusão socioeconômica dos migrantes em um ambiente urbano. Utilizando métodos qualitativos, incluindo análise documental, entrevistas com partes interessadas-chave e observações participativas, o estudo explora os papéis de órgãos governamentais, ONGs e organizações internacionais na facilitação do acesso dos migrantes venezuelanos ao mercado de trabalho. Os achados destacam as barreiras significativas enfrentadas pelos migrantes, incluindo obstáculos legais, culturais e linguísticos, e enfatizam a importância de esforços coordenados em nível municipal para melhorar os resultados de integração. Além disso, a pesquisa ressalta a necessidade de aprimorar os programas existentes voltados para comunidades vulneráveis, envolver o setor privado na formalização do empreendedorismo e expandir os serviços urbanos, como transporte, habitação e saúde, para a comunidade em geral. A pesquisa contribui para o discurso mais amplo sobre governança migratória ao enfatizar a necessidade de políticas inclusivas e estratégias de emprego sustentáveis que considerem as dinâmicas únicas dos ambientes urbanos no Sul Global. Ao focar no caso de Manaus, esta tese oferece insights valiosos para o desenvolvimento de políticas e práticas migratórias mais eficazes, aplicáveis a contextos semelhantes.
Palavras-Chave: migrantes venezuelanos, integração ao mercado de trabalho urbano, governança migratória, inclusão socioeconômica, Manaus, Brasil
Challenges for the Migrants in the Unregulated Private Rental Market of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Matias Pasulani
In Slovenia, migrants are prone to encounter housing challenges in finding decent and affordable accommodation as the State ceased to regulate its private rental market upon entering the free market economy. For various reasons, many migrants are unable to buy or own apartments and are excluded from social housing benefits. Consequently, they are left to find accommodation in the unregulated private rental market. Ljubljana, the capital and largest city, is an ideal place to examine the challenges that migrants face when searching for and staying in private rented apartments in a housing market that is not regulated. This study seeks to understand how the housing situation in Ljubljana sets conditions for the challenges that migrants experience in the private rental market, the challenges, and how the authorities and civil society have responded or are responding to the grievances of migrants.
Methods used include a literature review, oral interviews, and analysis of secondary sources. Findings reveal that the housing situation in Ljubljana is characterized by a lack of public housing, a high ownership rate of apartments, a preference for short-term Airbnb renting for tourists, and due to the lack of State regulation, substandard apartments and autonomous powers of the private landlords. Challenges that migrants I interviewed face in the unregulated private housing market of Ljubljana include: discrimination from the landlords due to racism and patriarchal attitudes, exorbitant rents as landlords have the freedom to dictate the prices of their apartments, high rents for substandard housing, unprofessional and rude attitudes of landlords, relocations due to short tenancy period and high rents, mental problems such as depression and stress when both searching for and staying in rented apartments, and prevalence of scammers and housing scams.
The response of authorities to these challenges has been far from adequate even though they know the predicaments that migrants face in terms of housing in the city. Migrants continue to experience discrimination in social housing as authorities prioritize the citizens. Laws are being used as an excuse by the authorities to justify their actions and to maintain the current situation. The absence of actions from the authorities to solve the challenges is evidenced by the ineffectual actions of ministers, the nonrecognition of refugees as a group in need of non-profit housing by local authorities, and the lack of State support in empowering migrants to have their own apartments. Lastly, there is a lack of political will among politicians and policy-makers to make the real changes that are needed to reform the real estate sector in Slovenia. Not all is lost as the civil society in Ljubljana has stepped in to provide a support network for migrants searching for accommodation and is fighting on their behalf for improved housing conditions.
Keywords: housing situation, unregulated private rental market, challenges, migrants, landlords, high rents, power, civil society, authorities, oppression
The Making of Bangladeshi-Owned Grocery Businesses in Rome
Mehedi Hasan
Italy has been a popular choice for Bangladeshi migrants since the 1990s, and it currently ranks as the second-largest European country in terms of hosting Bangladeshi individuals. The majority of Bangladeshis in Italy live in Rome. A significant number of Bangladeshis struggle to secure employment due to their lack of proficiency in the local language, inadequate education and training in Italian, and a lack of in-demand skills. Consequently, they often find themselves working as low-skilled migrant workers with limited access to facilities. Nevertheless, the process of obtaining these skills can be expensive and difficult for migrants employed in low-skilled positions in Rome. Migrants engage in entrepreneurial activities to achieve their desired migration objective due to the challenges associated with low-skilled jobs. This study examines how twenty-two Bangladeshi migrants transformed into migrant entrepreneurs, drawing on their experiences. This research paper adopted a qualitative approach, employing exploratory and ethnographic methods to examine specific aspects of Bangladeshi immigrant entrepreneurs in Rome. This paper provides detailed information about the business, resource mobilization, and innovation strategies of the selected immigrant entrepreneurs. Moreover, this research also sheds light on the opportunity structure that Italy is affording non-European Union migrants.
The Eritrean Regime’s Extraterritorial Authoritarian Practices: The Case of the Eritrean Diaspora Tax
Negera Gudeta Adula
In the age of global migration, authoritarian emigration states resiliently project and leverage their influence beyond their immediate borders with the objective of tightening their grip on power both at home and abroad. Drawing on the theory of extraterritorial authoritarianism, this dissertation explores how the Eritrean diaspora tax extended the reach of the Eritrean regime into the transnational field. This dissertation is based on a qualitative approach and draws on multiple data sources. The secondary sources were collected from books, journal articles, unpublished resources, web sources, and think-tank reports. This dissertation also made use of a wide range of secondary sources including Eritrean officials’ speeches, remarks, press releases of the Eritrean regime, and media reports. To complement the secondary sources, the primary sources were collected from selected informants through semi-structured interviews. The purposive or judgmental sampling technique was employed to recruit seven informants from Eritrean immigrants based in Germany where sample size was determined by data saturation point criteria. This dissertation employed a hermeneutics interpretation and thematic analysis to analyse data originating from both primary and secondary sources. The findings of this study reveal that the Eritrean diaspora tax is an institutionalized means that facilitates the reach of the Eritrean regime’s long arm of intimidation, coercion, and control into the transnational field, which silences critical voices and consolidates its rule in the diaspora. This dissertation also found that the Eritrean regime’s extraterritorial taxation is legally illegitimate and inconsistent with international law, refugee convention, and diplomatic protocols, including the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. Furthermore, this dissertation argues that the Eritrean diaspora tax causes the infringement of the human rights and fundamental freedoms of refugees and asylum seekers, sets back the diaspora’ s economic empowerment, and imperils their swift integration into the host society. This dissertation suggests that the refugee-hosting states and the international community should take appropriate measures to halt the Eritrean regime’s deterritorialized authoritarianism under the auspice of the diaspora tax. The Eritrean regime should respect international law and refugee convention, observe diplomatic protocols in its routine diplomatic endeavours, and cease taxing vulnerable refugees, asylum seekers, and others in the diaspora.
Keywords: Eritrea, diaspora, diaspora tax, extraterritorial authoritarianism, transnational space
Axareeraa (Oromo)
Bara godaansa idil-addunyaa kana keessatti sirnoonni abbaa irree ummata isaanii biyya alaa jiraatan irratti kara garaa garaatin ukkaamsaa fi sodaachisa ni raawwatu. Qoranooon kun tiyoorii abbaa irree hin daangefamnee (Extraterritorial authoritarianism theory) irraatti kan hunda’eedha. Kayyoon qorannoo kanaa kana gibirri diyaaspooraa Eertiraa akkamitti gocha abbaa irrummaa mootummaa Eertiraa gara biyyoota alaatti akka ceesise qaaccessuu ta’a. Qorannichi qorannoo akkamtaa yoo ta’u maddoota oddeefannoo hedduu irraa kan fudhatame dha. Maddoonni oddeefannoo lammaffaa kitaabota, barruulee joornaalii, sanadoota hin maxxanfamne, fi gabaasaalee dhaabatoota garaa garaa irraa kan walitti qabaman ta’a. Maddi odeeffanno jalqabaa ammoo mala af-gaaffii gadi fageenya qabuun kan walitti qabamedha. Qorannichi mala iddatteessuu miti-carraa keessaa tooftaa kaayyeffataa (purposive sampling technique) fayyadamuun baqatootaa Eeritrea biyya Jarman jiraatan torba (7) wajjin a af-gaaffii gadi fagoo taasisera. Kanaanis odeeffanno gadi fageenya qabu argachuu danda’eera. Oddeeffanoollen madda tokkoffaa fi lammaffaa irraa argaman jabeessuuf sanadoota mootummaa Eertiraa irraa maddan, haasaa qondaaltota mootummaa Eertiraa, ibsa gaazexeessitootaaf kennamee fi kanneen biroo fayyadameera. Qoranoon kun gibirri diyaaspooraa Eertiraa qaqqabummaa sirna abbaa irree mootummaa Eeritraa gara biyyoota alaatti akka babal’ise mul’isa. Kana malees, gochi abbaa irrummaa mootummaa Eertiraa gibira diyaaspooraa dahoo godhachuun gara biyya alaatti babaldhate seera addunyaa, seera baqattoota idil-addunyaa, pirootokoolii dippilomaasii, konveenshinootaa fi seeraa biyya keessaa biyyoota baqattoota keessummeessuu ifatti kan cabse ta’uu qoranoon kun ni addeesssa. Itti dabalataan, gibirri diyaaspooraa Eeritrea mala dhaabbataa sirna abbaa irrummaa mootummaa Eeritraa ittin lammiilee diyaaspooraa keessa jiran sodaachisuu, dirqisiisuu, fi adabuu ta’uu isaas ni muldhisa. Dhuma irratti gibirri diyaaspooraa (diaspora tax) harka dheeraa ukkaamsaa fi sodaachisaa mootummaan Eertiraa gara iddoowwan biyyoota baqatonni Eertiraa koolu galtummaa itti gaafataniitti diriirseera. Qurannon kun biyyoonni baqattoota keessummeessan tarkaanfii sirrii fi madaalawaa ta’e fudhachuun aangawoonni Eertiraa maqaa gibira diyaaspooraatiin ukkaamsaa biyyoota ollaa akka dhaabban ni goorsa. Sirni Eertiraa seera addunyaa, seera baqattootaa idil- addunyaa fi pirootokoolii dippilomaasii kabajuu akka qabuu fi gibira diyaaspooraatiin da’oo godhachuun diyaaspoora Eeritiraa sodaachiisuu fi ukkaamsuu dhaabu akka qabu ni gorsa.
Jechoota Ijoo: Eertiraa, diyaaspooraa, gibira diyaaspooraa, abbaa irree danga-maleessa, biyya alaa
“Illegal” Motherhood of Migrant Domestic Workers in Lebanon: An Arts-Based Research
Rim Trad
Between 2016 and 2017, humanitarian organizations reported the deportation of 21 migrant domestic workers (MDWs) for giving birth to children in Lebanon, where they worked. Among them, a MDW who has been working in the country for 30 years was deported with her 14-year-old daughter, which split her family since her husband remained in Lebanon for work. Another MDW was deported to India with her 16-year-old daughter after 20 years of work in the country. Despite the illegality of having children in Lebanon under the Kafala or sponsorship system, an estimated 15,000 women, around 5% of MDWs in the country, end up having children and raising them while risking deportation. In academia, the literature surrounding MDW mothers in Lebanon is very scarce in comparison to literature discussing transnational motherhood and what is globally known as the Global Care Chains. This master’s thesis seeks, through arts-based research, to understand the experiences of women MDWs who become pregnant and raise their children in Lebanon. I conducted seven feminist-informed participatory arts-based sessions with a group of eight MDW participants from Ethiopia to understand the visible and invisible barriers they face, the solidarity network they created, and their imaginings of their futures. As arts-based research has not been commonly used with MDWs in Lebanon, I combine an under-researched topic with an under-practiced methodology.
Keywords: migrant domestic workers, Lebanon, Kafala system, motherhood, art-based research
بين عامي 2016 و2017، رحّل الأمن العام اللبناني 21 عاملة منزل مهاجرة لكونهن أنجبن أطفالًا في لبنان، وفق ما أفادت منظمات محلية. من بين هؤلاء، عاملة أمضت أكثر من ثلاثين عامًا تعمل في لبنان، رُحِّلَت مع ابنتها البالغة 14 عامًا ممّا شرذم العائلة بعد بقاء الأب في البلد، وهو عامل مهاجر أيضًا. في حالة أخرى، رُحِّلَت عاملة إلى الهند مع ابنتها البالغة 16 عامًا، بعد أن عملت في لبنان لمدة عشرين عامًا. على الرغم من عدم قانونية حمل عاملات المنازل المهاجرات اللواتي يعملن وفق نظام الكفالة، وإنجابهن الأطفال في لبنان، إلّا أنّه من المقدّر أن 15 ألف عاملة أو نحو 5% من عاملات المنازل المهاجرات ينجبن الأطفال ويربينهن في لبنان على الرغم من خطر الترحيل. تندر الأبحاث الأكاديمية التي تدرس هذه الحالة في لبنان، إذ يتركّز الاهتمام البحثي على عاملات المنازل اللواتي يتركن أطفالهنّ في بلدانهن للعمل في بلدان أخرى، وفق ما يعرف بـ"سلسلة الرعاية العالمية". تهدف رسالة الماجستير هذه إلى إظهار تجارب عاملات المنازل المهاجرات اللواتي يعملن ويربين أطفالهن في لبنان. باعتماد منهجية بحث فني، تشاركية ونسوية، أجريت سبع حلقات بحثية مع ثماني عاملات منازل مهاجرات من أثيوبيا لفهم العوائق المرئية وغير المرئية التي يواجهنها، ,شبكة التضامن التي خلقنها، بالإضافة إلى تخيلاتهن للمستقبل. في رسالتي الماجستير، أجمع بين موضوع بحثي غير شائع ومنهجية البحث الفني غير السائدة في البحوث مع عاملات المنازل في لبنان.
"I Look at the Sea Hoping He’ll Come Home!”: Understanding the Phenomenon of Missing Migrants across the Mediterranean Through Narratives From Their Families
Simay Abay
My specific interest in addressing missing migrants began during the period when I worked as a Restoring Family Links Officer at the Turkish Red Crescent. This experience provided me with insights into the complexities and challenges faced by families dealing with the uncertainty of their family member’s whereabouts. I witnessed the profound impact that the lack of information on missing migrants had on the emotional well-being of families. This experience motivated me to delve deeper into the issue from an academic perspective. For this reason, I aimed to explore the experiences of families with a missing family member along the Mediterranean migration route and investigate the impact of having a missing loved one on their lives, as well as the challenges they face. My goal in this thesis was to understand the experiences of families whose family members have gone missing along the Mediterranean migration route, delving into the impact of having a missing family member on their lives. The central question guiding my research was: How do families whose family members have gone missing along the Mediterranean migration route experience having a missing family member and living in uncertainty? It also addressed: What are the impacts of this experience on families' lives? I used biopower, governmentality, and necropolitics as theoretical lenses to understand how power dynamics and governance structures affect families of missing migrants. My sub-questions stemmed from the theoretical framework as follows: How can families’ experiences be examined within biopower, governmentality, and necropolitics? How do the necropolitical effects of biopower, through active inactions towards addressing missing migrants, impact their families?
Keywords: missing migrants; families of missing migrants; Mediterranean migration route; biopower; governmentality; necropolitics
Breaking the Paradigm of Mexico as a Transit Country: Labour Market Integration of Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Mexico City
Vania Vergara Martínez
Most existing research in migration studies views Mexico primarily as a transit country rather than a destination, which limits in-depth exploration of the migration dynamics of refugees and asylum seekers seeking international protection from the Mexican state. This thesis aims to contribute to the body of knowledge on South-South migration by focusing on an understudied area: the integration of refugees and asylum seekers into the formal labour market in Mexico City. It examines the roles of the state and the third sector, emphasizing the relationship between non-profit organizations and the public sector. To enrich the debate, this research employs diverse methods and concepts, including the narrative methodological approach known as testimonio. Rooted in oral cultures and Latin American human rights struggles, testimonios provide counter-narratives to the official discourse from the Mexican government and civil society organizations. This thesis investigates how these testimonios challenge official narratives and the enforceability of the refugee definition within the Mexican legal framework. Additionally, it explores how refugees and asylum seekers experience labour market integration in Mexico City, focusing on the interplay between the state and civil society. Ultimately, the research sheds light on how the integration of refugees and asylum seekers into the labour market challenges the perception of Mexico solely as a transit country and positions it as an increasingly significant destination for these populations.
Keywords: labour integration, forced migration, testimonios, South-South migration
La mayor parte de la investigación existente en estudios migratorios considera a México principalmente como un país de tránsito en lugar de un destino, lo que limita la exploración en profundidad de las dinámicas migratorias de los refugiados y solicitantes de asilo que buscan protección internacional del estado mexicano. Esta tesis tiene como objetivo contribuir al conocimiento sobre la migración sur-sur al enfocarse en un área poco estudiada: la integración de refugiados y solicitantes de asilo en el mercado laboral formal en la Ciudad de México. Examina la gobernanza multinivel y el tercer sector, destacando la relación entre las organizaciones sin fines de lucro y el sector público. Para enriquecer el debate, esta investigación emplea diversos métodos y conceptos, incluido el enfoque metodológico narrativo conocido como testimonio. Con raíces en las culturas orales y en las luchas por los derechos humanos en América Latina, los testimonios proporcionan contra narrativas al discurso oficial del gobierno mexicano y de las organizaciones de la sociedad civil (OSC). Esta tesis investiga cómo estos testimonios desafían las narrativas oficiales y la aplicabilidad de la definición de refugiado dentro del marco legal mexicano. Además, explora cómo los refugiados y solicitantes de asilo experimentan la integración laboral en la Ciudad de México, centrándose en la interacción entre el estado y la sociedad civil. Finalmente, la investigación muestra cómo la integración de refugiados y solicitantes de asilo en el mercado laboral desafía la percepción de México únicamente como un país de tránsito y lo posiciona como un destino cada vez más significativo para estas poblaciones.
Palabras clave: Integración laboral, migración forzada, testimonios, migración sur-sur
Cross-Border Mobility of Congolese Refugees in Uganda and Afghan Refugees in Pakistan
Vitor Amador
Faced with barriers to accessing socioeconomic spaces and insecure livelihoods in Uganda and Pakistan, refugees cross the border back and forth between their country of asylum and their home country to enhance their livelihoods and for other purposes. This research explores what factors influence Congolese and Afghan refugees’ decisions to engage in cross-border mobility, how refugees use cross-border mobility and transnational networks, and also its downsides and risks. Moreover, this thesis discusses how refugees' cross-border mobility patterns challenge the dichotomy between voluntary and forced migration, and what are the implications of these refugee movements for policymaking. This study relied on qualitative research by triangulating methods, namely semi-structured interviews, participant observation, and review of other scholarly works. The findings show that the inability to secure their livelihoods in Uganda and Pakistan pushes refugees to go to their home country in search of other livelihood options. Refugees use transnational networks by distributing family members in different geographical spaces and benefiting from the advantages on each side of the border, which allows households to better cooperate and cope with adversities in their country of asylum. In addition, refugees go temporarily to their home country to visit family or attend rituals, thereby maintaining their relational ties and cultural identity. Nonetheless, cross-border mobility of refugees is illegal, thus dangerous and costly, and implies refugees losing their refugee status. Allowing refugees to move across borders back and forth to their country would make their mobility safer and less costly and would provide a complement to existing durable solutions, insofar as it facilitates alternative livelihood possibilities. De facto mobility patterns of refugees pose challenges to persisting institutions, policies, and concepts such as forced versus voluntary migration, borders, and durable solutions, and should therefore be taken into account by national, regional, and international policy-makers.
Keywords: cross-border mobility, transnational networks, forced migration, voluntary migration, livelihoods, durable solutions
Confrontados com barreiras de acesso a espaços socioeconómicos e meios de subsistência inseguros no Uganda e no Paquistão, os refugiados atravessam a fronteira entre o seu país de asilo e o seu país de origem para melhorar os seus meios de subsistência e para outros fins. Esta investigação explora os factores que influenciam as decisões dos refugiados congoleses e afegãos de se envolverem na mobilidade transfronteiriça, a forma como os refugiados utilizam a mobilidade transfronteiriça e as redes transnacionais, bem como as suas desvantagens e riscos. Para além disso, esta tese discute a forma como os padrões de mobilidade transfronteiriça dos refugiados desafiam a dicotomia entre migração voluntária e forçada, e quais são as implicações destes movimentos de refugiados para a definição de políticas. Este estudo baseou-se na investigação qualitativa através da triangulação de métodos, nomeadamente entrevistas semi-estruturadas, observação participante e revisão de outros trabalhos académicos. Os resultados mostram que a incapacidade de assegurar os seus meios de subsistência no Uganda e no Paquistão leva os refugiados a prestarem visitas temporárias ao seu país de origem em busca de outras opções de subsistência. Os refugiados utilizam redes transnacionais, distribuindo os membros da família por diferentes espaços geográficos e beneficiando das vantagens de cada lado da fronteira, o que permite às famílias cooperar e enfrentar as adversidades no seu país de asilo. Além disso, os refugiados deslocam-se temporariamente ao seu país de origem para visitar a família ou assistir a rituais, mantendo assim os seus laços relacionais e a sua identidade cultural. No entanto, a mobilidade transfronteiriça dos refugiados é ilegal e, por conseguinte, perigosa e dispendiosa, e implica a perda do seu estatuto de refugiado. Permitir que os refugiados se desloquem através das fronteiras para o seu país tornaria a sua mobilidade mais segura e menos onerosa e constituiria um complemento das durable solutions existentes, na medida em que facilitaria possibilidades alternativas de subsistência. Os padrões de mobilidade de facto dos refugiados colocam desafios às instituições, políticas e conceitos persistentes, como a migração forçada ou voluntária, as fronteiras e as durable solutions, pelo que devem ser tidos em conta pelos decisores políticos nacionais, regionais e internacionais.
Exploring the Journeys of Women Refugees From Eastern DR Congo: An In-Depth Analysis of Their Migration Experiences and Resourceful Skill Utilisation for Survival in Nakivale
Winnie Wothaya Murigu
In the complex tapestry of human migration, the experiences of refugees are woven with threads of hardship, resilience, and adaptation. The journey of a refugee, particularly that of a woman, is marked not only by displacement from the place they once called home but also by the intersecting factors of gender, ethnicity, and the specific context of their host community. In the quest for refuge and safety, these women traverse an arduous path fraught with challenges and opportunities. They carry with them the stories of their countries of origin, where socio-political turmoil and conflict have driven them to seek asylum. On the way to Nakivale, they encounter hurdles and trials that further shape their narratives, from the treacherous routes to the challenges of adapting to a new environment. However, this journey is not one-dimensional. It is marked by the presence of valuable skills, knowledge, and capacities that these women bring with them. How these skills are recognised, valued, and harnessed within the Nakivale community is a crucial aspect of their experiences. Much research in this area has been conducted based on skills utilisation in host countries. Yet, to assess comprehensively, a study needs to be conducted on how the skills were possessed and utilised before displacement, journey experiences, and how the pre-migration skills are used in the host country, Uganda. Hence, qualitative methods of data collection were used to understand the above objectives. Data was collected from six women respondents through narrative interviews, three key informant interviews, and document analysis for secondary data. The study adopts the Intersectionality Theory and Resiliency Theory, which underscore the importance of acknowledging the intersecting factors that shape the experiences of individuals and groups and applies this framework to the context of these resilient women. The study found that the women engaged in small-scale businesses while in DRC, but inequality still greatly hindered their success. The main factor that displaced the women was the continuous conflicts in the Eastern DRC, majorly the rebel attacks. The journey experiences showed a myriad of challenges, such as sexual violence, as they walked towards the Ugandan border. The skills utilisation was analysed through the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework and how the women show resilience through social networks amid all the challenges.
Keywords: women refugees, journeys, migration experience
Understanding Irregular Chinese Migration After the COVID-19 Pandemic
Zhao Wen
AbstractIrregular migration is a highly focused yet controversial topic in current global migration studies. This study aimed to explore how irregular Chinese migrants experience and make sense of the various stages of their migration journey after the pandemic. Five irregular Chinese migrants (four men and one woman) participated in semi-structured interviews. All participants were interviewed in Chinese. The transcribed interviews were analyzed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Eight Group Experiential Themes emerged from the analysis: 1) Leaving the Homeland, 2) Pathways to Becoming Irregular Migrants, 3) Rebuilding a New Life, 4) Ongoing Challenges and Losses, 5) Ways of Coping with Adversities, 6) Changes in Family Dynamics, 7) Future Aspirations, and 8) Reflections on Irregular Migration. The researcher discussed the study findings in relation to existing migration and refugee literature, particularly the socioecological models of refugee mental health. Finally, policy and clinical implications as well as limitations and future research directions were discussed.
Keywords: irregular migration, Chinese migrants, COVID-19 Pandemic, Integrative Contextual Model, Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis
非常规移民是当前全球移民研究中备受关注但又充满争议的话题。本研究旨在探讨疫情后非常规中国移民如何经历并理解他们移民旅程的各个阶段。共有五名非常规中国移民(四男一女)参与了本研究。研究者与每位参与者进行了半结构式访谈。所有参与者均用中文接受访谈。访谈文本通过解释现象学分析进行分析。分析中涌现出了八个群体体验主题。这些主题如下:1) 离开故土,2) 成为非常规移民的路径,3) 重建新生活,4) 持续的挑战与损失,5) 应对逆境的方式,6) 家庭关系的变化,7) 对未来的期望,8) 对非常规移民的反思。研究者将研究结果与现有的移民和难民文献进行了讨论,特别是难民心理健康的社会生态模型。最后,讨论了政策和临床的影响,以及研究的局限性和未来的研究方向。