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C7 EMMIRians win awards for theses at University of South Bohemia and in national Czech competition

Two EMMIR Cohort 7 students, Renata Campielo and Rupa Thapa, have received awards for their masters theses.

Renata Campielo received second place in a nation-wide competition in the Czech Republic for the best thesis in the field of migration for her thesis, titled "'Home is where the WiFi is': An e-research and content analysis on Digital Nomads, in the spectrum between Migration and Tourism" (supervisor: PhDr. Salim Murad, Ph.D.).

Young woman taking a selfie holding her diploma and smiling.
Renata Campielo (EMMIR C7) with her diploma at graduation, September 2019.

Of the reward, Renata said: "I'm honoured to have been nominated by my Supervisor and for have my thesis chosen as second place by this independent panel. It is always a pleasure to have your hard work recognised and for that I'm truly grateful."

I'm honoured to have been nominated by my Supervisor and for have my thesis chosen as second place by this independent painel. It is always a pleasure to have your hard work recognised and for that I'm truly grateful.

In addition, Rupa Thapa won the first place award by the Dean of the Faculty of Education at the University of South Bohemia for her thesis, titled "'The difference here is that we add more tomato sauce', From entrepreneurial journey to the integration experience of Nepalese migrants in České Budějovice: A Case study." (supervisor: PhDr. Salim Murad, Ph.D.).

Rupa Thapa (EMMIR C7) presenting a part of her thesis in the Czech Republic.

According to the evaluators, "[Rupa Thapa] deals with a very unusual topic of integration and entrepreneurship of the Nepalese minority in the Czech Republic, which makes her work unique. By spontaneously penetrating the Nepalese community in České Budějovice, she managed to create a very authentic text. It can be assumed that the presented work will be valuable study literature in the future not only for newly arrived Nepalese citizens, but also for other nationalities. The work is written very legibly. This work is proposed by the commission for its originality and further real application to the award of the Dean of PF JU."

Congratulations, both!

Cohort 7 graduation, September 2019. Oldenburg, Germany.


EMMIR is a 2-year Erasmus Mundus master's degree in Migration and Intercultural Relations run by a consortium of 9 partner institutions in Europe, Africa, and Asia. 

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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Last website update: December 2024

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