Cohort 8 students Anjuli Moll and Julia Sonholz attended the 12th Summer School on Migrants, Human Rights and Democracy at the University of Palermo, in Italy. They had the opportunity to present their research work from the second semester and network with other students and academics from all over the world.

Anjuli presented a research paper that analyses the effectiveness of family reunification programmes within the EU in relation to the so-called "crisis" of 2015-16. She states that "family is often confined to the reproductive and private spheres", while research have shown the existing correlation between family separation due to migratory trajectories and poor mental and physical health conditions. Anjuli looked into the EU directive for family reunification of 2003 and detected several discrepancies between different policies in the UK and Italy as case studies. In her opinion, "the EU applies a very narrow definition of family and establishes quotas that are unacceptable and do not respond to the needs of migrants".

Julia addressed the problematic of the externalisation of borders from a West-African perspective. She wanted to increase the visibility of the modes of mobilisation that West-African countries are taking against the EU migration control in their territory. "I think these mobilisations have transformative possibilities", Julia said.
